Diabetes Is one of the fastest growing health problems in the world. Early detection of diabetes problems is crucial to prevent serious health complications like heart attack, kidney failure and damage of nerve systems. In this article we will explore the 7 Early warning signs of diabetes and how you can manage or prevent diabetes effectively
what is diabetes ?
Diabetes is a chronic condition where our body either doesn’t produce enough insulin or cannot use it properly, leading to high blood sugar levels. There are mainly two types of diabetes
A). Types 1 diabetes:- in this autoimmune condition where the body attacks insulin producing cells
B). Types 2 diabetes:- in this the body becomes resistant to insulin or doesn’t produce enough.
7 Early Signs of Diabetes
1). frequent urination ( polyuria)
If you’re visiting the bathroom more frequently, especially at night time , it could be a sing of high blood sugar
- Excess glucose in our body forces the kidney to work harder to filter and absorb it. It leads to frequent urination
2). Increased thirst( polydipsia)
If you are feeling constantly thirsty, even after drinking water, its may indicate sing of diabetes.
- Frequently urination causes dehydration, its triggering excessive thirst
3). Unexplained weight loss
If your losing weight without trying, despite eating normally, can be alarming of diabetes
- Diabetes patients, the body starts burning fat and muscle for energy due to insufficient insulin
4). Extreme fatigue
If your feeling tired all the time, even after enough rest, is may another warning sing of high blood sugar
- When our body can’t use glucose for energy, it leads to constant fatigue
5). Slow healing of wounds
If your body cuts, bruises or infection take longer to heal , it could be a sign of diabetes
- High blood sugar weakness of immune systems and slows blood circulation, affecting healing of our body
6). Blurred vision
For diabetes patients experiencing sudden blurry vision can be dangerous.
- High blood sugar swelling in the eye lenses, its leads to vision problems
7). Tingling or numbness in hand and feet
Nerver systems damage, known as diabetic numbness in the limbs
- The uncontrolled diabetes damage the nerves systems over time
How to prevent diabetes
1). Maintain a healthy diet:- diabetes patients should maintain diet, choose whole grains z fruits and vegetables
2). Exercise regularly:- aim for at least 20 minutes of physical activity daily for diabetes patients
3). Monitor blood sugar levels:- get regular check up of blood sugar
4). Limit sugar and processed foods:- diabetes patients should avoid sugar drink and junk foods
5). Manage stress:- chronic stress can impact insulin function of ur body.